
27. April 2020

Automatic display of a link to the e-mail service

Redirects the user directly to his freemail and increases the chance of confirming a double opt-in message


Make it easier for the user to confirm the message subscription

-* Add a list of freemails that you want to offer to users in the HTML code of the pop-up:

An example for Yahoo:
<input type="hidden" data-vendor-name="Yahoo" data-vendor-domain="" data-vendor-url="" />

Create hidden inputs with attributes data-vendor-name for the name of the freemail, data-vendor-domain for the domain in the e-mail address, write the link (to which the user will be redirected) to the attribute  -data-vendor-domain

Add the following code to your HTML thank you page to display a link to redirect the user to freemail:
<span class="mlctr-email-vendor-link" style="visibility:hidden">
     <a href="%url%" target="_blank">Go to %name%</a>

If the user entered an email in a domain outside of the listed freemails using hidden inputs, such as corporate email, this message will not be displayed.



Mailnatives, s.r.o. with IČO 07891768 is registered at the Regional Court in Hradec Králové under the file number C 43368